Printmateria (2)

The form of Printmateria ideas can rely on Zünd precision

To give life to its ideas, the Treviso-based company did not hesitate to rely on the renowned digital cutters from Zünd, appreciated for their precision in every respect.

Over the course of forty years, Printmateria has been able, and has had to adapt to various changes of scenery. One part of the original work of the photographic laboratory has remained unchanged: an innate passion for precision and quality of each project. Qualities even more essential today, that make a difference and are not limited to price comparison. "Initially, we were a support to figurative communication - recalls Pino Perri, owner of Printmateria. Along with the images, there was the need to write the texts separately and combine them with pre-set layouts".

A situation that has changed dramatically with the arrival of digital printing. Tackling the situation in time proved to be a decisive choice. "The two communication needs, written and figurative, have come together," continues Perri. "Immediately afterwards, however, it also became necessary to be able to exploit the materials, to be able to transform them".

In an increasingly crowded and demanding visual communication market, processing images and text was therefore no longer sufficient to remain competitive. Immediately after having also acquired 3D skills, thanks to an anthropomorphic arm, the time had come for the Treviso-based Vedelago company to take another important step forward. "A need arose to use a cutting plotter -. Perri continues -. Combined with direct printing, it has shortened the production procedure and, above all, has made visual communication an object of sale".

A tool to give shape to ideas

In other words, it was a question of offering the market concrete objects and no longer just printed images. Liberate creativity from the constraints dictated by the supports and be free to create and combine the desired forms. To achieve complete layouts, furnishings or sets, where quality is not compromised.  

Finding the ideal solution was certainly a challenging task, although in the end the choice turned out to be easier than expected. "After literally reviewing the entire cutter market, Zünd finally emerged as the brand best able to guarantee us technical reliability with performance, precision and reliability".  

That's how a Zünd G3 3XL 2500 arrived at the center of the new workshop. Immediately integrating into the Printmateria production processes, the cutter did not hesitate to demonstrate its value and beneficial effects on production, raising quality levels. As a demonstration of proof, it wasn't long before it was joined by a second cutting plotter, the Zünd G3 XL 3200, to support the required production volumes. "After trying it in the field and seeing the number of problems it solved, based on our enthusiasm, we decided to buy a second machine six months later".

From the cutting of standard materials already in use, with particular appreciation for the precision of its handling of forex and plexiglass, to the versatility in handling even thicker substrates, satisfaction with the entire line was immediate. Particularly appreciated were the uncompromising management in 45° cuts. "It turned out to be very robust mechanically, with a very strong worktop. Personally, I also really like the ability to upgrade the system without having to replace the entire frame. An important aspect when considering protection of our investment over time"

Printmateria (2)

Accuracy in every way

Printmateria's innate creativity was demonstrated in finding a new tool to express itself at its best. Among the most interesting projects is the processing of prints to make bas-reliefs. "At first, we were amazed by the performance and precision of the cut in particular. It is perfectly in line with our philosophy of uncompromising quality".

A level that is also appreciated beyond national borders. With the contribution of an equally important aspect of the technical characteristics of a machine, but much less difficult to estimate at the time of investment. Probably, in the end, it's one of the decisive factors that makes the difference over time. "I was really impressed by the quality of the Zünd service," concludes Pino Perri. "Their supportive philosophy totally corresponds to our expectations. We are in perfect harmony with their approach in terms of attention and availability. In the end, when it comes to maximum precision, we're talking about exactly these aspects, to the point that more than assistance, I prefer to talk about their care for us, their kindness."

Printmateria (3)
"I was really impressed by the quality of the Zünd service. Their supportive philosophy totally corresponds to our expectations. We are in perfect harmony with their approach in terms of attention and availability."
Pino Perri
Owner of Printmateria
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