#we are in this together
Examples of Zund used to support the COVID-19 fight!
Unidos Insta Print Pvt. Ltd.
Introducing a foot-operated handsfree sanitizer dispenser. A one-stop 4X safety solution to protect you from the risk of COVID-19. Plus "Any Car Safety Shield" ACXSS and "Counter & Reception Safety Shield" CROSS. All made with a Zund cutting machine.

Print Hub
Personal protective equipment is in high demand for those working on the front lines of the COVID-19 crisis. In Peterborough, a company and a resident are stepping up by helping to make face shields.

US-Niederlassung der Tiroler Firma 3CON produziert OP-Mäntel für amerikanische Krankenhäuser. Die Produktion der dringend benötigten OP-Kittel ist mittlerweile voll angelaufen.

Harvard Medical School
In an unprecedented collaboration, a group of physicians from Massachusetts General Hospital (MGH) and Brigham and Women’s Hospital in Boston is working with about 100 architects and engineers from across the United States to develop a patient isolation hood (PIH) intended to contain the coronavirus in clinical settings and help protect health-care providers.

MIT - Massachusetts Institute of Technology
A team of engineers, doctors and scientists from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology has developed a new technique to address one area of the shortage of personal protective equipment, or PPE, in the US.

CJ Graphics Inc.
A brief overview of special products done with a ZĂĽnd cutting machine.

Climate Pro
I just wanted to post a thank you to Zund America, Inc.ZĂĽnd Systemtechnik AG. This machine has been... well a machine! We've been cutting face shields on it non-stop for the last two weeks. We've run the cutter 15 hour days and not one problem. Perfect accurate cuts every day. Thank you Zund. Your cutter has been a really good investment for our company and has allowed us to support our community and employees during this time.

NGS Printing
NGS Printing is doing what we can to help during this time by cutting face-shields for hospitals and medical staff. We're all in this together!

Vermeulen & Vermeulen reclame
Sinds we volop mondmaskers aan het produceren zijn, zijn we er ook achter gekomen dat er een gigantisch tekort is aan isolatiejassen. Samen met de drie andere initiatiefnemers van het #BrabantMondmaskerInitiatief hebben we daarom in een korte tijd een isolatiejas ontwikkeld welke we nu samen aan het produceren zijn om zo bij te kunnen dragen aan de veiligheid van het zorgpersoneel.

The Cotswold Printing Company
The Cotswold Printing Company passed their first milestone of 1000 units delivered of face visors, they are getting faster at producing and supplying 750-1000 a day. They have designed their own face visor which has been approved by Gloucestershire NHS and have enough stock to provide the amazing NHS staff with 45,000 visors over the next 6-7 weeks.

Induflex A/S
Nogle gange skal det bare gå stærkt! Induflex A/S i Støvring fik akut behov for en ny skæremaskine til at producere værnemidler. De kontaktede os for at høre hvad var muligt. Tre dage gik der fra ordre til kørende maskine! Det kan man da kalde hurtig reaktionstid!

As you know, there is an urgent need of PPE equipment for frontline workers fighting COVID-19.

Specialised Canvas
Face visor production hit a new high of 4000 units yesterday. Delivering to front line workers and the NHS as fast as we can. Really grateful to all our staff and suppliers who have moved mountains to make their time and materials available.

Visual Impact Ltd
Visual Impact have put their Zund to good use, cutting several hundred NHS Scrubs for Maria Grachvogel & her team. A combined voluntary effort to assist the NHS.

Creative Printing Solutions Group
Well like many others most staff are on furlough. Rather than mow the grass a 10th time they have volunteered to make face visors which Speed Screen are donating to whoever needs them. The demand is crazy, the first batches are going to hospices, Covid19 testing centres, a field hospital who have hardly any PPE, Kent nurses trust, and a general Hospital that have asked for 500 visors.

Elevate97 produced face shields are on their way to health care professionals and first responders. Designed for complete safety and comfort. Wear it in good health!

Northern Flags
The Team have been busy making our NHS Charity Flags. This new range of products includes flags, banners, and stickers; and for each one sold ÂŁ5 will be donated to the NHS Charities COVID-19 Urgent Appeal.

John E. Wright Co Ltd
Although we can't quite say business as usual for John E Wright & Co Ltd., they are still operating and cutting health and safety notices and Social distancing measures posters on their Zund.

Factory Lux
Last week, Factory Lux had a request for an NHS anaesthetist, so they repurposed their robot line to make face PPE.

Gilman Brothers
“When you are called to help and you have a willing team, these are the things that you can do,” said Evan Gilman, the company’s third-generation manager. Gilman Brothers has switched gears to help provide medical supplies for COVID-19 response in Connecticut.

Artisan Colour
Scottsdale company making face shields, donating them to Arizona emergency workers! FOX 10's Carmen Blackwell visits Artisan Colour in Scottsdale where they are using resources to make face shields to help medical workers stay safe as they treat coronavirus patients in Arizona.

Vistaprint is proud to donate 100,000 face shields to healthcare facilities in underserved communities. We've been able to adapt our technology with a goal of making 100,000 each week by the end of April.

The Vomela Companies
Whether you are waiting in line at the grocery store, the bank, the clinic or the pharmacy, directional signage such as floor graphics can help your customers overall experience while providing appropriate social distancing.

Hatteras is doing what it can to help address the scarcity of hospital beds during this coronavirus outbreak. Using a prototype supplied by The Gilman Brothers Company, Hatteras' Large Format Team produced these Supine Beds that cut on our Zund America, Inc. digital die-cutting system. The bed is sturdy, lightweight, and easy to assemble and clean. We delivered our first 300 beds today and are scaling up to support many more

Ward and Kennedy Company
Ward and Kennedy Company is looking to help in doing their part. They will donate machine time to aid in production bottlenecks if anyone is in need of cutting plastic for face shields or fabrics for masks.

Industria Saludes
Nos sumamos a la lucha contra el COVID-19 - Desde Industrias Saludes queremos aportar nuestro granito de arena para combatir la pandemia del coronavirus que asalta nuestro paĂs.